Monday, January 6, 2014

Things To Think Of When Having A Baby Part 2

(continued from previous post)
4-What effect will it have on your health? For some of us, this is a very real consideration. For instance, there's a good chance that I would not be able to take some of the medications I am currently on if I were to get pregnant. This might not be a problem, but there's no way to tell that beforehand. For this reason (among others), I think I'd prefer to adopt. My husband is on board with this in theory, but we know that there are going to be a lot of other things to think about in addition to what I've mentioned above. Things like adoption-specific costs, age of the child and whether we will be able to meet any special needs the child may have are very important considerations.

Also, some parents have medical conditions that they are concerned about passing onto their children. Only their doctor can guide them about this, but it has factored into the decisions of some people I know to adopt as opposed to having a baby.

If you do get pregnant, will you be able to carry the baby to term? People with certain medical conditions or prior injuries may need to have the baby taken early by C-section if there's a reason natural childbirth wouldn't work well.

-Do you have a good support system? Even if one of you staying home with the baby, you're going to need a babysitter or someone to help you with errands when things get to be too much for you and your partner. Are there people around who can help you? If you're planning on going back to work, who will care for your child?

Hopefully now you have an idea of what things you should consider before having a child. I'm writing this just as much for myself as I am for you; I'm not a parent myself, but I've seen a lot of people have children before they're really ready to. While some say that if you wait for the “right time” to have a child you never will, it's important to consider the impact a child will have on your life and vice versa. Good luck!

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