Monday, September 16, 2013

What *To* Put On Your Baby Registry

Our friend Jacklyn gave us ideas about what not to put on a baby registry. But what should you ask for? What kinds of things do you need to put on your registry? Here are some ideas.

Overall, I'd say putting anything you're going to need help paying for on your registry is a good rule of thumb. You don't want to put a lot of expensive things you don't really need on the list (tuxedo from Baby Gap, anyone?), but babies aren't cheap. Since most of us don't have piles of cash lying around, the help will be appreciated.

Cribs. In a previous article, I explored whether or not secondhand cribs are safe for your baby. The verdict was mixed, but leaned strongly toward “no”. If you need a new crib, feel free to put one on your registry. These can be very expensive, so a few people may go in on one together. You could also put crib mattresses on the list, since one size does not fit all.

Portable cribs aka “Pack and Play” are also good things to register for, since you will definitely need them if you are going to travel.

Car seats. Car seats are another thing that shouldn't be bought or used secondhand. Like bicycle helmets, car seats are designed for one accident. It might look fine, but sometimes internal parts that affect the structure and safety of the seat can be damaged, making it less likely to fully protect your child. Many parents like the car seats that have a detachable “carrier” that can be used to transport an infant. Others will ask for convertible child seats that can be re-arranged to suit your child as he grows older. For more information on car seats, check out

Infants will always need a rear-facing seat.

Rockers or gliders. These are chairs you can sit in while breastfeeding or generally holding your baby that allow you to move back and forth, creating a motion that tends to soothe infants. They can be very helpful in getting your baby to sleep. Baby swings are also good for this.

Strollers. These are essentials any time you take your baby out of the house. The exact type of stroller you need will greatly depend on where you live, what you will be using it for (shopping vs. jogging) and how many children you will be carrying. Some strollers are set up to accommodate your baby's car-seat carrier to reduce the amount of “jostling” your baby experiences between settings. Some can be adjusted as your child grows older, and still others carry multiple babies at a time. For more information on strollers, check out

Changing tables. You might not necessarily need a table specifically for changing your baby, but it's a good thing to have. If you find one that doubles as a dresser, you can use it in your child's room for years. Even if you don't get a table, though, you will need changing pads that can securely attach to whichever surface you are using. Whichever option you choose, make sure it has straps that are strong enough to accommodate a squirming baby.

These are just a few of the items belong on every baby registry. For more suggestions, visit

1 comment:

  1. The aim of the stroller is to make the transport easy with the baby at the time of walking. A stroller is a good alternative to keep babies with the carriers. It's not easy to choose best suitable stroller that you want for baby.To choose best stroller for your baby visit here-
