Friday, August 23, 2013

Essentials For Eating Out With Babies And Kids

Here are a few items that can make eating out with a child easier.

'Alternative' bottles. My sister had some 'straw bottles', the nipples are attached to flexible straws so the baby can drink from the bottle without having to hold it. This is good for babies who aren't able to hold their bottle yet, for traveling or as a way to let the baby drink over a longer period of time. You could also use a bottle with 'handles', which can be a lot of fun for older babies and toddlers.

Reusable placemats-A friend of mine has a plastic stick-on, re-usable placemat that has a 'pocket' in the front that hangs off of the table. These things are very helpful for children who eat solid food; the last thing most of us want to do is cut the food up on a plate or table-top you're not sure about! For older children, my sister also had some placemats that were basically stickers that you affixed and peeled from the table at each meal. As a former waitress who has cleaned up after babies a lot, I'd like to say, 'Thank you'!

Portable high chairs. If you don't want to use the ones in the restaurant (and believe me, I don't blame you), there are high chair tray sets you can attach to the table. This is good for small tables or for babies who aren't quite old enough to sit at the table.

Bibs. I know this seems obvious, but you'd be surprised.

Disposable changing pads. I'm sure I don't have to explain why you wouldn't want to place your child directly on the changing table in the bathroom. These things are available at most grocery or 'big-box' stores and are a total godsend!

Small utensils and plates. Most of the utensils in restaurants aren't small enough for young children. Plus, some kids get really nervous when they are away from the home and don't want to eat or drink anything. Bringing your own dining set with fun utensils, plates and cups are a good way to get a child to eat out and make them feel special at the same time.

Things to keep the kids occupied. How many times have you been in a restaurant and the toddler in the booth in front of you decided to say 'hi'? I used to do this all the time, especially when I was bored waiting for everyone else to finish eating. Quiet toys such as toy trucks and crayons are something a parent should always bring any time the family goes out to eat. We might think our kids are adorable, but other restaurant patrons might not and you need to have some sort of way to keep your child in the seat and busy.

Snacks. Kids aren't as patient as we are when it comes to waiting for the food to come. Many restaurants will bring the child's food out first, but you can't always count on that. Small things such as Cheerios, fruit or other chewy snacks can go a long way when it comes to tiding your child over. Restaurant 'rules' about 'no outside food or drink' don't usually apply to things like this. If they do, you know where not to go next time.

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