Thursday, June 27, 2013

What Shouldn't I Eat While Breastfeeding?

One of the first questions many women ask after giving birth is, 'What should I avoid while breastfeeding?' While every baby is different, here are some basic guidelines.

-Sometimes certain foods will make a baby 'gassy' or disrupt his/her sleep. If you notice this about any particular food, avoid it for a few days before introducing it back into your diet. That way, you have a better idea of the cause of the problem-that food or something else.

It's also possible that a baby may be intolerant or even allergic to something you're eating. If your baby seems to be in a lot of pain from gas, gets a rash, or has hard and/or bloody stools, check with your doctor.

-Caffeine. There's nothing wrong with a cup or two of coffee a day, but don't overdo it because it could disrupt your baby's sleep patterns. Ditto sodas, energy drinks and certain teas.

-Avoid artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin. Personally, I avoid them because I think they're disgusting, but your mileage may vary. :)

-There are a few types of fish that have a higher concentration of mercury, which isn't exactly good for *anyone*, let alone a baby. Swordfish, king mackerel and shark should be avoided. Canned tuna is usually fine in moderation-perhaps one or two cans a week.

You may also want to avoid shellfish because they are 'bottom-feeders'-in other words, they eat all the nasty stuff you'd find at the bottom of the ocean. Since some areas have more of a mercury or water pollution problem than others, check with your doctor. You might not always be able to know where your fish comes from, but I come from a coastal town where a lot of the fish in restaurants and grocery stores are caught by local fishermen. I love it, but your doctor might not. :) For more information, visit this site-

-Alcohol. This really should be obvious, but don't drink to excess. It's okay to have an occasional drink but, if you are planning to have more than one in a sitting, wait at least two hours per drink before nursing again. Two hours for one beer, four for get the idea. Better yet, nurse your baby *before* you have that merlot. It's best to wait until your your baby has been on a 'pattern' for at least three months.

If you're going to a cocktail party or otherwise think you may want more than a couple of beers, you may want to 'pump it and dump it'-pump the milk and toss it out.

Of course, you could always store breast milk and give *that* to your baby.

-There are a lot of prescription drugs that you shouldn't take while breastfeeding, so talk to your doctors-all of them-to see if they can find any alternatives.

Essentially, you should remember that your baby 'eats' everything you do while breastfeeding. I'm not a doctor, though, so you're going to want to check with yours to see what is right for your particular baby.

For ideas on what you *should* eat, check out this post-

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