Monday, November 5, 2012

Weird baby products

Anyone who's ever been to a discount or grocery store knows that there is an insane amount of baby products out there. What's more, most of us probably don't even know what half of them are. For instance, exactly what is a Diaper Genie used for? Am I the only one who laughs when she sees a diaper rash cream named 'Bordeaux's Butt Paste'? However odd I might find these things, these are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to over-the-top, weird baby products. They have their uses but, most of the time, they're just good for a laugh. Here are some of the stranger products I've seen.

  • Play-Doh Cologne Spray. Because nothing makes you feel more like a woman than smelling like a child's modeling clay.
  • Baby Bum Fan. While I understand the principle behind this-avoiding diaper rash by making sure the baby is completely dry before putting on a fresh diaper-, this looks more like a gag gift to me.
  • Time-Out Pad. I get that you want to make sure your child stays put when in 'time-out', but doesn't using a monitor that lights up and makes noises that make 'time-out' fun kind of defeat the purpose?
  • Battery-Operated Nasal Aspirator.  I'd be creeped out if someone tried to aspirate my nose with something that makes noise and vibrates. Imagine how a baby would feel?
  • Zaky Infant Pillow. A pillow that looks like disembodied hands-now that's just creepy. I understand that a baby who falls asleep in your hands might wake up when you leave, but this just looks weird.
  • Baby High Heels. I suppose it's good if your pretty little girl learns how to walk in heels early on, but first she's got to learn how to walk, period.
  • Baby Bangs. When I saw a 'commercial' for Baby Toupees on Saturday Night Live, I thought the idea was too ridiculous to be true. Oops. I was wrong. Besides, wouldn't the kid just throw them on the floor like my nephews did with their hats? $29.99 is a lot for what might eventually amount to littering.
  • NoseFrida Snot Sucker. The description on the website tells you why this is weird better than I ever could. I just hope the filter stays on.
  • BabyKeeper Hanging Harness. I can appreciate the concept, definitely. Sometimes you really have to go and don't have a choice but to take your baby into the stall with you. I also think some babies won't have a problem with it, but I can't imagine what it would be like to have to put a fussy baby into one of those things while you're crossing your legs to keep from peeing in your pants.

As you can see, there are all kinds of products for babies and kids out there that make even the most 'baby-savvy' people we know scratch their heads. If nothing else, I hope I've given you your laugh for the day!

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