Sunday, October 7, 2012

Choosing The Right Pediatrician For Your Newborn

Finding the best doctor to care for your child may not be a huge concern when you are still pregnant, but it will become something to look into as you get closer to your due date. Some simply go with who is there to care for their babies when they are still in the hospital, and others prefer taking their time to choose the right pediatrician for their baby.

The best place to start is by asking friends and family members that are also parents. Usually, they will have someone to recommend and if they trust their little ones to this person, then you most likely would as well. One thing you may notice is that many people in your community may recommend one person, this is always a good sign. This usually means they have found someone that is reliable, friendly and has an extensive knowledge of caring for infants and children of all ages. You can always make an appointment and meet the doctor first, then go from there.

The next option is to get a referral from the hospital or use someone that has treated your son or daughter while they were in the hospital. Generally, when you have a baby a physician from the local area that is a practioner within your health insurance will come and oversee the baby's care automatically. They will introduce themselves to you, and leave notes for the nurses there at the hospital to continue the child's care. Usually you will need to take the baby in for a check up within a week or two after they go home from the hospital anyway, this way you will already have a doctor that has begun caring for your child and built a relationship with them.

Having a great pediatrician is key, especially during those first few years of the baby's life. Your child will need various things such as vaccinations and exams to ensure they are eating well and growing properly. In the event something should happen later down the line, it is best to have them continue going to the same doctor so they trust he or she. If your child will require any type of surgery you will want a physician on their side to walk through every step with you and the child as well. The pediatrician will need to have a good bedside manner alike. Many parents become very close to their child's doctors. When your baby is sick in the middle of the night, you want to be able to call someone you trust your child's health within. Choose someone that has a great reputation, one that is good with your child and one that has hours of operation that you can take your child to have their exams around your schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you have to go with your gut and not be afraid to switch around if there is something you don't like about the one you have picked. There is no harm in that, you just want what is best for your child.
